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Open for testing BETA
The following custom levels are work in progress, meaning the result is not final. These are
available to everyone to playtest.
Feedback is not mandatory but it's highly appriciated for the level
creator(s). Enjoy!
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new levelsare currently being worked on.

After various tactical jumping escapades through dimensions, realms and more, you once again face another challenge.
With familiar gimmicks and new obstacles guarding the zenith, only the strongest wills shall reach what’s above. Can you transcend your limits and reach the very end?

A new tower+ that you have never experienced before awaits you. And what awaits you at the end of your journey is… Are you ready to go through this tough adventure+?

After releasing the horrible catastrophe called BotR, KampZu was in a desperate need for a redemption arc. Hence, “Babe of Redemption”

Combining new gimmicks and classic hard jumps, a new experience you’ve never experienced before awaits. Are you ready to crawl out of Inferno?

Once again, a new thrilling adventure begins. It can be hard and tiring at times, but don’t give up! There is also a hidden area, but will you be able to find it?